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127360 05/21/2009 02:41 AM 04/27/2011 11:52 AM
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What version of VMware Tools is included in OpenServer 5.0.7V?
vmware vtools openserver 5.0.7 5.0.7V 507 507v vtools vmtools version private confidential osr osr5 1.0.0 fz535502 2.0.0
          SCO OpenServer System Release 5.0.7V 
          I would like to know what version of VMware Tools is installed 
          as part of SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V Version 1.0.0 and how I 
          can use these tools.

          This is also applicable for Version 2.0.0

          The VMware Tools Package is one of the features of 
          SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.7V. This package adds tools to 
          improve integration between SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V and the 
          host VMware system. 
          The version of VMware Tools included in SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V
          Version 1.0.0 is:

          vmtools 2009.06.18

          This version is based on the 18-Jun-2009 release of the 
          open-vm-tools project version 2009.06.18-172495.

          The VMware Tools package provides the following features
          in SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V Version 1.0.0:

          1) Time synchronization
          2) The VMware Toolbox
          3) Soft power operations 
          4) The VMware Tools daemon (vmtoolsd)
          5) Guest OS data gather and transfer script (vm-support)
          6) Virtual machine check utility  (vmware-checkvm)
          7) An interactive X11 session utility (vmware-user) 
          8) A log transfer utility (vmware-xferlogs)
          9) An simple guest communication tool (vmware-rpctool)

          These features are now described in more detail:

          1) Time synchronization

          This feature ensures that your SCO Openserver 5.0.7V 
          Virtual Machine does not suffer from System Clock 
          drift. This feature is pre-configured and does not
          require user interaction.

          This feature can be disabled using the VMware Toolbox.

          If it is disabled then it is recommended to configure NTP on the
          OSR507V installation to ensure time is synchronised.

          By default, as it is enabled it is recommended to enable NTP on the
          VMware server itself by going to Configuration -> Software ->
          Time Configuration.

          2) The VMware Toolbox

          This feature is accessible:

          - as an icon on the IXI Desktop for the root account
          - from the command line as /usr/bin/vmware-toolbox-cmd

          The Toolbox will allow you to:

          a) Enable, disable or view status of Time synchronization
          b) Connect, disconnect or view status of available devices
          c) Enable, disable, run or view status of Suspend, Resume
          Shutdown and Power-on scripts for your Virtual Machine
          d) Shrink a virtual disk

          Please note that this option is not enabled if the virtual 

          - Contains a snapshot
          - Is a parent of a linked clone
          - Is a linked clone

          For further information on limitations and how to use this
          feature please refer to your VMware documentation.

          e) View the version and build of the VMware Tools you are
          f) In command line mode only, use stat option:

          on Workstation and ESX(i) with sub-options:

          hosttime: print the host time
          memory: print the virtual machine memory in MBs
          speed: print the CPU speed in MHz

          on ESX(i) only with sub-options:
          sessionid: print the current session id
          memlimit: print memory limit information

          Additional stat sub-options will be supported in future
          releases of the VMware Tools for OpenServer 5.0.7V.

          3) Soft Power Operations

          The toolbox provides default scripts for the following soft 
          power operations:

          Suspend Guest Operating System 
          Resume Guest Operating System
          Shutdown Guest Operating System
          Power On Guest Operating System

          The toolbox will allow you to:

          - Choose to use the script
          - Choose to use the default script 
          - Choose a user created custom script

          The default scripts are:


          4) vmtoolsd daemon (/usr/bin/vmtoolsd) 

          This is a user-level daemon process. It is started, stopped,
          enabled and disabled by:


          vmtoolsd itself provides very little functionality, but is
          extensible by using plugins. The plugins provided are
          located under


          and provide services that are used by the other features 
          listed in the Technical Article.

          5) Guest OS data gather and transfer script (vm-support)

          /etc/vmware-tools/vm-support is a shell script that gathers
          data about your Virtual Machine and transfers it to the 
          vmware.log in the folder on the datastore where your 
          Virtual Machine resides on your VMware platform.

          6) Virtual machine check utility  (vmware-checkvm)
          /usr/bin/vmware-checkvm is a utility that user or applications
          can run to confirm that they are running in a virtual environment.
          When executed on a Virtual Machine this command returns:

          VMware software version 6 (good)

          7) An interactive X11 session utility (vmware-user) 

          /usr/bin/vmware-user is a utility that is started automatically
          when a user logs into the XDesktop. 

          This utility does not require any user interaction. It provides
          support for Cut and Paste on the SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V Graphical

          8) A log transfer utility (vmware-xferlogs)

          This is a simple utility that can be used to transfer 
          the content of a file to the vmware.log in the folder 
          on the datastore where your Virtual Machine resides on 
          your VMware platform.

          9) An simple guest communication tool (vmware-rpctool)

          This utility can be used to:

          1) Read guestinfo variables 

          vmware-rpctool can be used to read guestinfo variables that
          have been added to the .vmx file belonging to your
          SCO OpenServer 5.0.7V Virtual Machine.

          For example:

          Lets say you have created a Virtual Machine called:


          and you have added the guestinfo variable:

          guestinfo.var1 = "VM1"

          to the osr507v_vmware_1.0.0Di.vmx file on your VMware Host.

          Running the command:

          vmware-rpctool "info-get guestinfo.var1" 

          will return the value "VM1".

          2) Setting guestinfo variables

          vmware-rpctool can be used to set guestinfo variables
          to specific values and to hold those values in 
          the memory of the Vmware Host. It cannot be used to
          write variables to a .vmx file.

          For example:

          vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.var2 hello"

          will store the variable guestinfo.var2 ii the memory 
          of the VMware Host but will not write it to the .vmx file.

          Also, if I run the command:

          vmware-rpctool "info-set guestinfo.var1 VM2"

          this will change guestinfo.var1 in the VMware Host's memory 
          but it will not write the value to the 
          osr507v_vmware_1.0.0Di.vmx file.
          Please note that later versions of VMware Tools, including 
          additional features will be provided in future maintenance
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