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127038 06/04/2008 06:21 AM 07/26/2011 05:56 AM
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OSR5:I've added an IDE Disk from other SCO OpenServer5 server to my SCO OpenServer5 server. How do I access it?
osr osr5 openserver openserver5 5.0.7 507 mkdev hd ide /dev/hd10 divvy dparam fdisk scsi 5.0.6 506 5.0.5 505 5.0.4 504 5.0.2 502 5.0.0 500
          SCO Openserver System Release 5.0.7 
          SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.6, 5.0.5, 5.0.4, 5.0.2, 5.0.0 
          I've added an IDE Disk from other SCO OpenServer5 server to my SCO 
          OpenServer5 server. How do I access it?

          It is assumed that the OpenServer 5 system you are adding the
          IDE disk to already has an IDE disk as the primary drive on
          the server.

          For existing SCSI disks, see Technical Article 104863, "How do I add a SCSI or IDE 
          disk that has data I want to keep?"

          For new SCSI disks, see Technical Article 109379, "How do I add a SCSI hard drive 
          under SCO OpenServer 5.0.x?"

          When SCO OpenServer5 boots you will not see the "disk" advertised in 
          the "hwconfig -hc" listing. 
          However, SCO OpenServer5 has support for a second IDE drive built in.

          By running:

          # divvy -N -P

          0              0          29999   boot       EAFS
          1          30000         815851   swap       NON FS
          2         815852       19530997   root       HTFS
          6       19530998       19531007   recover    NON FS
          7              0       19539008   hd0a       WHOLE DISK

          we can see the structure of a normal disk.
          The second disk can be accessed by checking: 
          # divvy /dev/hd10 
| Name              | Type       | New FS | # | First Block | Last Block |
|                   | EAFS       |  no    | 0 |            0|       29999|
|                   | NON FS     |  no    | 1 |        30000|      815851|
|                   | HTFS       |  no    | 2 |       815852|    19530997|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 3 |            -|           -|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 4 |            -|           -|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 5 |            -|           -|
|                   | NON FS     |  no    | 6 |     19530998|    19531007|
| hd10              | WHOLE DISK |  no    | 7 |            0|    19539008|
          The filesystems shown may be not be named but can be with the "n" 
          name option in "divvy".  For example, "u1". 

| Name              | Type       | New FS | # | First Block | Last Block |
|                   | EAFS       |  no    | 0 |            0|       29999|
|                   | NON FS     |  no    | 1 |        30000|      815851|
| u1                | HTFS       |  no    | 2 |       815852|    19530997|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 3 |            -|           -|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 4 |            -|           -|
|                   | NOT USED   |  no    | 5 |            -|           -|
|                   | NON FS     |  no    | 6 |     19530998|    19531007|
| hd10              | WHOLE DISK |  no    | 7 |            0|    19539008|
          Do not create a new filesystem at this point, ie. don't mark it 
          as "y" otherwise it will destroy your existing data. 
          quit at this point but enter "i" to install. 
          The "i" install will add a /dev/u1 node. 
          Mount the disk and filesystem with: 
          # mount /dev/u1 /mnt 
          If the disk is not mounting then you may need to run "fsck" first.

          You should then be able to copy data, for example:

          # mkdir /u1

          # cd /mnt

          # find . -print | cpio -pdumv /u1

Note:     There is also the new -l option to divvy, which will show the labels 
          of any filesystems that are labelled - this can be really useful if
          you don't remember what each division was previously used for.  

          It also adds an "l" interactive option to apply the labels as 
          division names.  swap and root usually don't have filesystem labels, 
          swap because it isn't a filesystem and root because it is almost 
          always mounted, and filesystems can only be labelled when they 
          aren't mounted.

          This feature is new to OpenServer 5.0.7.

          If you not able to see the 'divvy' table then see this 
          Troubleshooting Section:

          - Check the IDE disk is correctly jumpered.

            Although you will not see the IDE disk initially in "hwconfig -hc",
            any attempt to access it with the above commands should generate a 
            console message and in syslog to say it has been detected. eg:

Jul 25 12:47:47 d32 %disk     0x01F0-0x01F7      14   -  type=W0 unit=1
cyls=9726 hds=255 secs=63

          - Check if there is an active partition on the disk with:

            # fdisk -f /dev/rhd1a

          - Check with 'divvy':

          I am getting:

          # divvy /dev/hd10
          Cannot stat device "/dev/hd10"
          stat: No such file or directory

          The device files for /dev/hd10 have been removed.  No secondary drive
          has been detected.

          or I am getting:

          divvy /dev/hd10
          No valid division table.
          Run divvy with either the -i flag if this device is to be initialized 
          with a new root file system, or the -m flag if it is to be 
          initialized with a number of mountable file systems.

          This means the partition is active but the divvy table has been lost.

          - Check the Disk Geometry:

            # dparam /dev/rhd10

            To see what disk bios geometry has been detected


            # dparam -w /dev/rhd10 

            To re-write the Master Boot Record and reboot.

            If this still fails then refer to Technical Article 110737, "Filesystems on my SCSI 
            disk drive are no longer accessible after moving it to another 
            OpenServer 5 system, or after making various SCSI configuration 

            which also applies to IDE to try to reset the disk's geometry.

          - If the disk is not recoverable then you may be able to run:
            # divvy -i /dev/rhd10

            There are two possibilities, if a root division table layout is
            detected or not.

          a) IF you run "-i" then, AND if a root division table layout is seen, 
             then you will see:

          This device contains a valid disk division table. Your
          additional (non-root) filesystems/divisions can be
          preserved across the reinstallation. Do you want to
          preserve your additional filesystems/divisions? (y/n) y

          The layout of the filesystems and swap area is now prepared.

          Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the sizes or
          names of the filesystems or swap area before they are created
          on the hard disk? (y/n) y
          You will then have the opportunity to prevent any new filesystems
          from being created before you proceed.

          If you attempt to write a new division table there when there already 
          is one then you may see:

          'Cannot determine type of previously made root device: No such file
          or directory.'

          Also if you say "no" to preserve your filesystems then you may see:
          'new root file system construction unsuccessful'

          b) IF you run "-i" AND there is NO divvy division table detected then 
             it will write a new division table there.

             You will be given the option to enter the swap and boot space
             default allocations and a separate /u filesystem.  You will have
             the option to manually amend the filesystems before proceeding
             and will have the option to abort with 'intr' at the:

             i[nstall] and r[eturn] menu.

          Use "divvy -m" or "mkdev hd", to create new filesystems neccesary.

          c) IF you wanted to completed remove all partitions and start again
             then either perform a low level format or run:

             # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rhd10

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