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127003 03/13/2008 04:33 AM 08/27/2008 02:29 AM
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How can I install a legacy OpenServer 5 Informix Database on my OpenServer 6.0.0 system?
openserver 6.0.0 600 5.0 informix ids database 7.x 7.2 7.3 install
          SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 
          How can I install a legacy OpenServer 5 Informix Database on my 
          OpenServer 6.0.0 system?

          It is possible to install, configure and run a legacy Informix 
          Database on OpenServer 6.0.0 if you have Maintenance Pack 3 or
          later installed.

          This article describes the steps needed to install 

          Informix IDS 7.31 UC5 for OpenServer 5.0

          but these steps can be adapted to install other Informix databases.

          Installation of Informix IDS 7.3 can be broken into 3 phases:

          1) Configuration of OpenServer 6.0.0 prior to installation of 
          the Informix Database
          2) Installation of the Informix Database
          3) Configuration of the Informix Database
          4) Initializing the Informix Database
          5) Testing access to your Informix Database

          The steps for each phase are described below:

          1) Configuration of OpenServer 6.0.0 prior to the 
          installation of the Informix Database.

          Before you install the Informix database on your OpenServer 
          6.0.0 server you must:

          - Install Maintenance Pack 3 or later onto your server. You 
          can download the latest Maintenance Pack for OpenServer 6.0.0

          - Log into the server as root

          - Using the SCOadmin Account Manager, create a new group 
          called informix with an id greater than or equalt to 100

          - Using the SCOadmin Account Manager, create a new user
          called informix and make the group informix the login 
          group of the informix user
          - Edit the root user account /.profile and add the following:

          export INFORMIXDIR
          export PATH
          export ONCONFIG
          export INFORMIXSERVER

          - Edit the informix user account .profile (/u/informix/.profile)
          and add:

          export INFORMIXDIR
          export PATH
          export ONCONFIG
          export INFORMIXSERVER

          These environment variables tell the Informix installation 
          scripts and utilities:

          - where Informix is to be installed (ie /u/informix)
          - where to find Informix binaries (ie /u/informix/bin)
          - what the name of the Informix configuration file will be
          (ie onconfig)
          - what the name of the database server will be (ie scodb1)

          You are now ready to install the database.

          2) Installing the Informix Database

          In this section we will describe how to install the Informix 
          IDS 7.3 database. If you have additional Informix products
          that you wish to install (e.g. an Informix 4GL Runtime or 
          other complimentary product) then these should be installed 
          before the Informix Dabatase. 

          Installation of such products is beyond the scope of this 
          article. Please refer to your Informix product documentation
          for steps on installing your additional products prior to 
          the installation of the Informix IDS 7.3 database.

          - Login to the OpenServer 6.0.0 server as root

          - Change to the informix directory using:

          # cd $INFORMIXDIR

          - Informix IDS 7.3 is distributed as a cpio(C) archive. 
          You will need to copy the cpio archive from your 
          Informix Distribution media into the $INFORMIXDIR 
          directory. e.g. Lets assume the cpio archive is called


          and its currently in /tmp on your server. To copy it 

          # cp /tmp/informix_ids.cpio $INFORMIXDIR

          - Extract the cpio archive as follows:

          # cpio -icvd -I informix_ids.cpio

          - Install the Informix IDS server using the "installserver"
          script as follows:

          # ./installserver

          This script will prompt you for your Serial Number and Key,
          it will install and set the correct permissions on 
          files and directories and on successful completion will
          issue the message:

          Installation of Informix Dynamic Server complete.

          Your Informix server is installed and now needs to be configured.

          3) Configuring your Informix Server

          Once your have successfully installed your Informix database you
          will still need to configure it. To configure the database 
          do the following:

          - Log into the OpenServer 6.0.0 system as root

          - Add the following entry for Informix to the /etc/services 
         (services(SFF)) file using your favourite editor:

         kifos        1801/tcp

         - Edit the Informix sqlhosts file ($INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts) 
         file and add the entries:

         scodb1     ontlitcp        scopaddy     	kifos
         scodb1_shm onipcshm        scopaddy       srv_agent

         where scopaddy should be replaced by the hostname of your 
         OpenServer 6.0.0 server.

         - Create the Informix Root Database using:

         # mkdir /usr1
         # touch /usr1/rootdbs
         # chmod 0666 /usr1/rootdbs
         # chown informix:informix /usr1/rootdbs

         We have chosen to create the database in /usr1 but you can 
         choose any location for the database once you make the correct
         changes to the configuration below.

         - Using your favourite editor make the following changes to the 
         Informix Database Configuration File, $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig.std :

         ROOTPATH      /usr1/rootdbs
         ROOTSIZE      102400
         PHYSFILE      5000
         MSGPATH               /u/informix/online.log
         ALARMPROGRAM  /u/informix/etc/
         SYSALARMPROGRAM       /u/informix/etc/
         SERVERNUM     1
         DBSERVERNAME  scodb1
         DBSERVERALIASES       scodb1_shm
         NETTYPE               ipcshm,1,100,CPU
         LOCKS         10000
         BUFFERS               20000
         SHMBASE               0x82000000L
         DRLOSTFOUND   /u/informix/etc/dr.lostfound
         BAR_BSALIB_PATH               /u/informix/lib/
         You may wish to modify some of the parameters such as ROOTSIZE,
         PHYSFILE, LOCKS and BUFFERS to meet your own requirements.

         - Create a symbolic link for one of the Informix libraries using:

         # ln -s /u/informix/lib/ /u/informix/lib/

         - Copy sm_versions.std to sm_versions using:
         cp $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sm_versions.std $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sm_versions

         Configuration is now complete.

         4) Initialising the Informix Database

         Once configuration is complete you can initialise the Informix 
         Database as follows:

         - Log into the Openserver 6.0.0 server as the informix user

         - Run the command:
         $ oninit -iy

         Your Informix Dabatase is now initialised and ready to use.

         5) Testing access to the Informix Database

         You can verify that you can access your Informix database using
         the dbaccess command as follows:

         - Log into the Openserver 6.0.0 server as informix

         - Run the command:

         $ dbaccess

         From the menu select "Connection" and then "Connect". If your
         database is configured then you will be prompted to 
         SELECT DATABASE SERVER>> and will be offered two choices:


          TA#127096 "UX:ld: ERROR: lib4gl.a(fglesql.o): cannot link 
          OpenServer object into Intel iABI (UDK ABI) target"
          TA#127097 "UX:ld: ERROR: cannot open file 
          /u/informix/lib/tools/nettlistub.a for reading: No such 
          file or directory"
          TA#127098 "I get UX:ld: ERROR: library not found: -lnsl_s 
          when compiling my Informix application on OpenServer 6.0.0"
          TA#127099 "I get "internal conversion of COFF file to ELF" 
          messages when compiling my Informix 4GL application on 
          OpenServer 6.0.0"          
          TA#127100 "How can I install the INFORMIX-4GL Version 7.20.UE2 
          on my OpenServer 6.0.0 system?
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