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105694 08/02/1997 05:12 PM 12/16/2008 06:59 AM
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How to transfer supplements from a DOS system to a UNIX system and create diskettes for UNIX on a DOS system.
dos download btld rawrite floppy supplements format create web site ftp boot time loadable driver unix transfer diskette howto doscp dosdir mtools msdos format mount fstyp rawrite32
          Not specific to any SCO release 
          The only system I have connected to the Internet is a DOS-based
          system. I have downloaded a supplement to my DOS system. Now I need
          to transfer it to my UNIX system, or use it to create a floppy for
          installing on my UNIX system. How do I do this?

          See the instructions below.  Two pertinent examples for which
          these instructions are useful are:

             1) Creating a UNIX floppy from a downloaded image for a
                Support Level Supplement (SLS) which is intended for
                installation with the custom(ADM) utility in Unix 3.2v4 or
                OpenServer 5 operating systems, or with the pkgadd(ADM)
                utility on UnixWare operating systems.

             2) Creating a BTLD (boot-time loadable disk) floppy from
                an SLS or other downloaded image, for use during the
                installation of an SCO Operating system.

          Section I

          Transferring supplements from DOS to a running UNIX System:

          If you have a UNIX system that is up, and the supplement you have
          downloaded to your DOS system is less than 1,457,664 bytes (1.44MB),
          follow the steps below to transfer the supplement from your DOS
          system to your UNIX system. If you need to create a floppy for use on
          a UNIX system, see section II.

          1. On your DOS system, copy the file (supplement) you have
          downloaded to a DOS formatted diskette.

             COPY  <filename>  A:

          Note: Because DOS only handles filenames of the 8-char.3-char format,
          the supplement you downloaded may have had its name changed. For
          example, the file VOL.000.000 would have its name changed to
          VOL_`WPI.000. Be sure to use the DOS-assigned name.

          2. Take the floppy to the running UNIX system and insert it into the
          drive. At the UNIX prompt, type:

             doscp a:<filename>  <directory>

          where filename is the name of the supplement file and directory is
          the directory you want the supplement to be copied into. For example:

             doscp  a:VOL_`WPI.000  /tmp

          Note: For UnixWare7, install and use the Skunkware MTOOLS package 

          3. If the file is in compressed format (that is, the filename ends
          in .Z) you will need to uncompress it on the UNIX system by typing:

             uncompress  <filename>

          4. Once you have the uncompressed supplement on the UNIX system,
          you can apply it to that system using the software manager (5.0 and
          later). For SCO UNIX Version 4.2 and earlier, you need to install
          the patch from a floppy using custom. You can create the floppy by
          putting a UNIX-formatted floppy in the drive and typing:

             dd  if=path/filename  of=/dev/fd0

          The floppy created can then be used on a UNIX system in the manner
          for which it was intended.

          Section II

          Creating a floppy on your DOS system for use your UNIX system:

          If you do not have a UNIX system up and running, or the file you
          have downloaded is greater than 1,457,644 bytes (that is, it will
          not fit on a DOS floppy) you will need to copy the file from your
          DOS system to a brand new unformatted (or UNIX-formatted) floppy
          using the rawrite utility. The rawrite utility will allow you to
          create a UNIX diskette from your DOS system.

          Note: The rawrite utility cannot be used to transfer a
          UNIX-compressed file. If the file you have downloaded is
          compressed, you will need to either contact SCO to obtain
          an uncompressed copy, or uncompress the file before using
          rawrite to copy it to diskette. To uncompress a  UNIX-compressed
          file on a DOS system, you will need a utility called  "gzip".
          Gzip is shareware available for downloading from many Internet
          sites (for example, Once gzip has been used to
          uncompress the file, you can continue.

          1. Download the rawrite utility ( from It
          is in the tls directory at

          2. Unzip using pkzip (a shareware utility available from
 Once you have downloaded pkzip, type pkzip and the
          utility will unzip itself, producing pkzip and pkunzip.

          Please note that a 32 Bit version of RAWRITE (RAWRITE32) is 
          available from:

          3. Unzip by typing:

             C:\> pkunzip

          4. This will produce the files:




          5. To copy your uncompressed supplement (file) to a floppy, type:

             C:\> RAWRITE

          6. You will be prompted with "Enter disk image source filename:"

          7. Type the name of the file to be copied to diskette.

          Note: If you download a file whose name is VOL.000.000, DOS will
          change the name to adhere to the 8-char.3-char filename structure.

          For example, VOL_`WPI.000. Be sure to use the DOS-assigned filename.

          8. After entering the source filename, you will be prompted with
          "Enter target diskette drive". Enter the letter of the drive you
          are using.

          9. After this you will be prompted with "Please insert a formatted
          diskette into drive A and press Enter". The floppy you insert must
          be un-formatted or UNIX-formatted. A DOS-formatted floppy will not

          Press <Enter> and the floppy will be created.

          10. The diskette you create can be used for application to a
          UNIX system, or it can be copied onto a running UNIX system by

             dd  if=/dev/fd0  of=path/<filename>

          Depending on which specific SCO operating system you are using,
          this media file image may be used instead of the actual diskette
          for installation on the system (if not a BTLD).

          Technical Article 105004,"I downloaded a file from SCO and it won't fit on my
          DOS disk."

          Technical Article 104061,"How to download an EFS or SLS or temporary file using
          a DOS-based PC."

          Technical Article 107214, "How to download an EFS or SLS using a DOS-based PC."
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