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104907 11/21/1995 04:42 PM 10/18/2010 06:56 AM
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What are some of the basic utilities to verify system integrity?
basic utilities utils scoadmin verify system software manager custom fixperm perms fsck lost+found authck integrity fixmog bo filesystem repair cocktail unix no sync du dfspace 500 5.0.0 502 5.0.2 504 5.0.4 505 5.0.5 506 5.0.6 507 5.0.7 600 6.0.0 osr6 custom symlinks trouble troubleshoot divvy troubleshooting dtype ENGREF 535329 fz535329
          SCO XENIX 386 Operating System Release 2.3.4 
          SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.0, 4.1 
          and 4.2 
          SCO Open Desktop Release 2.0  
          SCO Open Server Release 3.0 
          SCO Open Desktop Release 3.0  
          SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0  
          SCO OpenServer Enterprise System Release 5.0.x, 6.0.0 
          SCO OpenServer Desktop System Release 5.0.x 
          SCO OpenServer Host System Release 5.0.x 
          I am concerned about the integrity of my SCO system software.
          What are some of the basic utilities that I can run as a System
          Administrator to help verify and correct system software problems?

          The causes can be widely varied.  There could be some kind of 
          hardware or software corruption, operator error, accidental
          or malicious file removal.

          Here are some utilities that help to check and correct some basic
          possible problem areas in the system.  Unless otherwise noted,
          a specific command applies to any of the operating environments
          as mentioned in the RELEASE section above.  Be sure you are in
          System Maintenance (single-user) mode when you perform these.

          1. Filesystem check:

             # dtype /dev/rroot                       (Should return HTFS)

                     eg: dtype /dev/root
                         # dtype /dev/rroot
                         /dev/rroot      : HTFS filesystem
             For HTFS/DTFS filesystems:

             # fsck /dev/root

             For Non HTFS/DTFS filesystems:
             # fsck -D /dev/root

             If this fails then add the -ofull flag to the "fsck" command.

          Notes regarding fsck:
          - If you see "BOOT UNIX (NO SYNC)" at the end of fsck, it
            means you should power off the computer without typing any
            more commands.  This ensures that changes made to the hard
            drive during fsck will not get undone by typing further

            -D    This option checks directories for bad blocks. This is
                   useful after system crashes.
                   This option does not apply to HTFS (TM) or DTFS filesystems.

             See also the "-s/-S" options for additional troubleshooting.
          - For SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.0, it is recommended you do
            a full filesystem check.  To do so, you must boot up from
            your emergency boot/root floppy set and at the prompt type:

                   # fsck -s -ofull -D  /dev/hd0root

          - For a pre-OpenServer 5.0.0 Release, be sure you have enough
            directory entries available in lost+found before you run fsck. 
            To check this, type:
                   # cd /lost+found
                   # hd . | wc -l        # the output should be at least 40

          2. Verify and fix permissions, check for missing system files:
          ===== For SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.0: =====

                   # scoadmin
                   # scoadmin software manager
                   # custom

          Then highlight the product you wish to verify and, from the
          pull-down menu, select:  Software -> Verify Software.  Checkmark
          the types of tests you wish to do.  At the minimum, you
          should run the verification one time through for "Normal system 
          state (Quick)" and then again for "Broken/Missing Symbolic Links".

          ===== For Pre-OpenServer Release 5.0.0: =====

                   # cd /
                   # fixperm -cs -dRTS -dBASE -dEXT  /etc/perms/*  2>&1  | more

          ===== For OpenServer 5.0.0 onwards: ======

          Notes regarding fixperm:
          - You can ignore the messages regarding "not an empty file".

          - The first time through, it is recommended you run fixperm on
            all the files in /etc/perms, including the -n option, which
            signifies to fixperm to report errors but make no changes:

                    # fixperm -n /etc/perms/*  2>&1  | more

          - There are various ways to limit fixperm's scope. The
            above is the most general, as it operates on all the 
            files in /etc/perms.  
          The first way to limit the scope is to specify one or
          more -d options.  For example, if you wanted to only check
          and repair the files for the LPR package, you could do:

                    # fixperm  -cs -dLPR  /etc/perms/*

          The second way to limit fixperm's scope is to specify the
          fixperm files you wish to check.  Each fixperm file can
          contain one or more package names.  As an example, to check
          and repair the files for the extended utilities, you can
          specify the perms file /etc/perms/ext.  This file contains
          the various packages belonging to the suite of extended
          utilities.  You can run:

                    # fixperm  -cs  /etc/perms/ext

          You can combine more than one -d option, and/or more than
          one perms filename, depending on what you need.

          - To check all permissions then run:

                    # fixperm -cs /etc/perms/* 2>&1 | more

          - To quickly check for missing files:

                    # fixperm -n /etc/perms/*  2>&1  | grep "not found"

          'fixperm' is also available with SCO UnixWare7.

          'fixperm' refers to missing files in /etc/perms with SCO OpenServer6.
          This issue has been reported to SCO Engineering.

          An example of how 'fixperm' can be used can be see below in the NOTE

          3. Restoring missing files.

          Files that are missing may have been moved to the lost+found
          directory, where their names have been changed to inode numbers.
          Check the lost+found directories (one should be located in each
          filesystem) for files that were put there during fsck.  You
          may want to use "file", "what" or "dtype" commands to try and
          determine file types, and "more" or "hd <filename>|more" to try 
          and determine what the file actually is.  If you make this 
          determination, you can move (mv) the file back to its original 
          name and location.  Otherwise, you can restore the missing files 
          from either your backup or possibly from original release media 
          using the "customextract" (OpenServer Release 5.0.0) or "custom" 
          (pre-OpenServer 5.0.0).

          4. Verify and correct security subsystems problems:

                 # /tcb/bin/authck -a | more
                 # /tcb/bin/integrity -e | more
                 # /etc/fixmog -v | more
                 # /etc/custom -x -V symlinks

          Notes regarding authck/fixmog:
          - Individual users from /etc/passwd file have related
            information in /tcb/file/auth/?/<logname>, where '?' is
            the first character of login name.

          - Subsystem authorizations are maintained in the files
            under /etc/auth/subsystems.

          5. Check the root filesystem for large files with:

             # dfspace


             # df -v

             If the available space is low then use the following to determine
             the directories with the large size files in them:

             To find the files I ran:

             # cd /
             # du -s -k *

             For example, if you notice /dev is high then:

             # cd /dev
             # du -s -k *

             to find the offending file(s)

          Please note, "df" / "dfspace" and "du" calculate disk usage 

          "du" will use raw, physical space; while "df" and "dfspace" will 
          include overhead for the filesystem and incomplete, allocated inode 

          For example, if a 2K block is only 1K full, "df" and "dfspace" would 
          show 2K of space and "du" would show 1K of space.

          In which case, it is suggested to run:

             # du -r -s -k *

          as this overrides any permission problems.

          In addition, applications occasionally will create a file and then
          unlink the file name while keeping the file open.  This gives the 
          application a file to write to that is invisible to the rest of the 
          system, but the space is not freed until the last process that has it 
          open closes the file.

          If you are running an application that does this, that could result 
          in space being used but not being visible to du.  

          If you reboot the system and still see a discrepency before any 
          applications start up, then you may need to consider re-creating the

          To recreate filesystems on the root disk (other than the / root 

          # divvy /dev/hd0a - First Active disk

          For reference, files which can be divvy'ed:

                       hd00 - Entire Disk
                       hd01 - first partition
                       hd02 - second partition

          An example of where fixperm can be used is in the following example:

          User's are having trouble logging in and getting the following:

slab7(5.0.7)# su - testuser
Last   successful real login for testuser: NEVER
logname: error while reading /etc/utmp: Permission denied (error 13)
TERM = (ansi)
tput: no terminfo database
prwarn: Cannot determine your username!
$ idit
uid=17162 gid=50 groups=50

          After running 'fixperm -n /etc/perms/*' we can see /var permissions
          were set to 700 rather than 755.

          Changing this permission fixed the issued.

          In the SCO Reference manual or scohelp online man pages:

          fsck(ADM), fixperm(ADM), authck(ADM), fixmog(ADM),
          custom(ADM), customextract(ADM)
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