RELEASE NOTES - Java Development Kit 1.1.7A for SCO Operating Systems


Java Development Kit 1.1.7A for SCO Operating Systems


Supported Platforms
Using JDK 1.1.7A for SCO
Extensions to Sun JDK 1.1.7A
Threads: Green or Native
Native Methods
Debugging Native Methods
Additional Implementation Notes
Known Problems


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These are the release notes for the JavaTM Development Kit (JDK), Release 1.1.7A for SCO Operating Systems, hereafter referred to as "SCO JDK 1.1.7A".

This product is a full implementation of Sun Microsystems' Java Development Kit 1.1.7A. It enables SCO OEMs, ISVs, and end users to develop and run applets and applications that conform to the Java 1.1 Core API.

SCO JDK 1.1.7A is a full update release to the earlier SCO JDK 1.1.3, 1.1.3u, and 1.1.3w releases. It has the same functionality as SCO JDK 1.1.3w, except that it is derived from the Sun JDK 1.1.7A base and contains the fixes and improvements that Sun added between JDK 1.1.3 and 1.1.7A. In addition, SCO JDK 1.1.7A contains additional fixes and internal enhancements due to Sun's Solaris-based JDK 1.1.3A and 1.1.3D releases. Finally, this release incorporates elements of native threads support found in Sun's JDK 1.2.

NOTE: SCO Edition of Sun's Java WorkShop and Java Studio and the accompanying just-in-time (JIT) compiler are no longer available due to licensing changes.

Supported Platforms

The SCO JDK 1.1.7A product will run on the following versions of SCO's operating system platforms, with the indicated provisos:

SCO JDK 1.1.7A cannot be used with the existing i.e., version 7 OSRcompat and UW2compat packages that were released with UnixWare 7.0.0.

SCO JDK 1.1.7A is not supported on older versions of these operating systems, such as OpenServer 5.0.0, UnixWare 2.1.2, or UnixWare 7.0.0.

For the most part the JDK is identical for all three platforms, and everything in these release notes applies to all three platforms unless otherwise noted.


SCO JDK 1.1.7A is distributed in the following packages:

Package jdk117 includes the essential execution engine of Java, that is, what you need to run Java applications:

Package jdk117 also includes some Java development tools:

Finally, package jdk117 also includes additional components to support distributed applications and database access:

Package jdk117pls is an optional supplement to jdk117 that includes several kinds of additional materials useful in Java development work:

In addition to Sun's documentation in the jdk117pls package, SCO JDK 1.1.7A provides UnixWare 7 users with documentation integrated with SCOhelp in these packages:


The SCO JDK 1.1.7A binary distribution is built on and for UnixWare 7, but is able to run on OpenServer by virtue of the UDK Compatibility Module for OpenServer, and likewise on UnixWare 2 by virtue of the UDK Compatibility Module for UnixWare. Because of this, there are a few differences in how the JDK is installed on each platform:
NOTE: JDK 1.1.7A packages can be installed on your system even if you have a previous version of the SCO JDK packages. Installation of JDK 1.1.7A will not automatically remove your previous JDK from the system. The only thing that is affected by the JDK 1.1.7A installation is the /usr/java link. By default, /usr/java will always point to the latest JDK.

After JDK 1.1.7A is installed, and if you had a previous version of the JDK, for example JDK-1.1.3, the link of /usr/java to JDK-1.1.3 will be removed. /usr/java will point to JDK 1.1.7A.

If you remove JDK 1.1.7A from the system, and if you have another verion of JDK on your system, for example JDK 1.1.3, the /usr/java link will be restored to JDK 1.1.3.


If the UDK Compatibility Module for OpenServer (package name OSRcompat) is not already installed on your system, you need to mount the UDK CD-ROM and install the package OSRcompat:

# mount -r /dev/cd0 /mnt # pkgadd -d /mnt OSRcompat

When that installation is complete, install the core JDK (package name jdk117):

# pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117

Then you can install the JDK additional materials, if desired (package name jdk117pls):

# pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117pls

UnixWare 2

If the UDK Compatibility Module for UnixWare (package name UW2compat) is not already installed on your system, you need to mount the UDK CD-ROM and install the package UW2compat:

# mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/* /mnt # pkgadd -d /mnt UW2compat

If your machine has more than one CD-ROM drive, specify the CD-ROM device exactly (e.g. /dev/cdrom/c0b0t6l0).

When that installation is complete, install the core JDK 117A (package name jdk117):

# pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117

Then you can install the JDK 117A additional materials, if desired (package name jdk117pls):

# pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117pls

The graphical desktop tool App_Installer may also be used to install these packages.

Note that you may need to increase certain system memory limits; see Using JDK 1.1.7A for SCO below.

UnixWare 7

Mount the CD-ROM and install the JDK (package name jdk117):

# mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/* /mnt # pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117
If your machine has more than one CD-ROM drive, specify the CD-ROM device exactly (e.g. /dev/cdrom/c0b0t6l0).

Similarly for the other packages:

# pkgadd -d /mnt jdk117pls # pkgadd -d /mnt jdkdoc # pkgadd -d /mnt jdkman


Documentation for the JDK 1.1.7A is contained in the jdk117pls package and, for UnixWare 7 only, also in the jdkdoc and jdkman packages. All of the documentation is in HTML format and may be viewed with any browser you have installed on your system.

DocumentFile/Link Name
these release notesReleaseNotes.html
Sun documentation for JDK 1.1.7A docs/index.html
Sun and SCO demos for JDK 1.1.7Ademo/
documentation on SCO's JDBC implementation
and SCO's SQL-Retriever product
see JDBC section

Note that the documentation included in the jdk117pls package is not integrated into OpenServer SCOhelp or UnixWare 2 Dynatext Library graphical help systems. However, the documentation included in the jdkdoc and jdkman packages is integrated with SCOhelp on the UnixWare 7 platform.

Also note that much of this documentation is from Sun, but should be read in an SCO context. For instance, for "Solaris" read any of the three SCO platforms (UnixWare 7, OpenServer, or UnixWare 2). For customer support, any of the normal SCO support mechanisms should be used, rather than contacting Sun.

Using JDK 1.1.7A for SCO

In general, use of SCO JDK 1.1.7A follows that which is described in the Sun documentation.

After the JDK packages are installed, you probably want to set PATH in your .profile to include the directory where the JDK commands are installed, /usr/java/bin. On UnixWare 7 systems, this will usually have been done for you already when your account was created.

On UnixWare 2, applications of significant size are likely to get "out of memory" errors with the default memory limits provided by the operating system. To fix this, do the following as root:

# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HVMMLIM 0x7FFFFFFF
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HDATLIM 0x7FFFFFFF
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SVMMLIM 0x7FFFFFFF
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SDATLIM 0x7FFFFFFF
# /etc/conf/bin/idbuild
and then reboot to rebuild the kernel.

Extensions to Sun JDK 1.1.7A

SCO has provided only one functional extension to Sun's JDK 1.1.7A, and it is useful only on the UnixWare 7 platform.

Java Classes as First-Class Executables

When javac is used to compile one or more classes, it will set the execute permissions bit on for the .class file if the class contains a main method. (This happens on all three platforms.)

Then, on UnixWare 7 only, you can execute a Java application simply by giving the name of the main class:

$ foo.class
UnixWare 7 will look for foo.class by use of the PATH environment variable, just as it would for any other executable. foo.class must also be in the CLASSPATH, as in normal execution.

Furthermore, by making a hard link or symbolic link such as

$ ln -s foo.class foo
you will be able to execute the application simply by saying
$ foo
For instance, this gives you the ability let users invoke utilities without knowing the utilities are written in Java. For this to work you must keep the name prefix intact and the class file intact. That is, you have to keep foo.class somewhere, and then you can make a hard or soft link of foo to it. foo can be in another directory, but you can't change the name; i.e., you can't link bar to it. That's because once the system invokes the JVM, it expects to find a foo.class file there. For this same reason you also can't just rename foo.class to foo, because the JVM will still need a foo.class. (You could copy foo.class to foo, but that will of course waste disk space compared to a link.)

Of course, you can always use the traditional way of executing a Java application:

$ java foo
In this case, java must be in the PATH, and foo.class must be in the CLASSPATH.

Threads: Green or Native

Threads are an essential part of the Java language and API set, and every Java implementation must decide how to implement Java threads. The SCO JDK 1.1.7A, like many other implementations, supports two alternate internal threads models: "green threads" and "native threads". Note that Java application code does not change at all from one model to the other; the threads model is an internal, "under the covers" difference, although one that can have an important impact on the behavior and performance of a Java application.

"Green threads" refers to a model where the Java virtual machine itself creates, manages, and context switches all Java threads within one operating system process. No operating system threads library is used.

"Native threads" refers to a model where the Java virtual machine creates and manages Java threads using the operating system threads library - named libthread on UnixWare - and each Java thread is mapped to one threads library thread.

In SCO JDK releases prior to JDK 1.1.3w only the green threads model was supported. As of SCO JDK 1.1.3w, and in this release, both models are supported (except on OpenServer), and it is up to you to decide which to use for your application. Green threads is the default. To specify the threads model, set the THREADS_FLAG environment variable to either green or native. For convenience, the java command also has an option -green or -native that can be used; but for other commands, the environment variable must be used. Some examples:

$ java my_app				# green threads will be used

$ THREADS_FLAG=green java my_app	# green threads will be used

$ THREADS_FLAG=native java my_app	# native threads will be used

$ java -native my_app			# native threads will be used

$ THREADS_FLAG=native appletviewer my_applet.html   # only way to set native threads

Advantages of Green Threads

One reason to use green threads is that it is the more mature implementation.

Another reason to use it is that switching the threads model may change the behavior of the Java application. The Java language specification does not give a lot of precise details about how Java threads are scheduled, so there is some room for implementation dependencies in this area (unlike the rest of the Java specification). Java applications that (incorrectly) make assumptions about how threads will be scheduled may work under one threads model but not under the other. Since most applications up to this point have been written under green threads (that was the first model available on most platforms, including SCO), chances are that the native threads model would be more likely to expose incorrect application dependencies.

For both of the above reasons, green threads is the default implementation, at least for this release of the SCO JDK.

Finally, on a uniprocessor machine, green threads sometimes has performance advantages over native threads, although the difference tends to be relatively minor.

Advantages of Native Threads

There are two major potential advantages to using native threads, in addition to it intuitively being the "right way" to implement Java threads.

The first advantage is performance on multiprocessor (MP) machines. In green threads all Java threads execute within one operating system lightweight process (LWP), and thus UnixWare has no ability to distribute execution of Java threads among the extra processors in an MP machine. But in the native threads model, each Java thread is mapped to a UnixWare threads library multiplexed thread, and the threads library will indeed map those threads to different LWPs as they are available. Furthermore under native threads the Java virtual machine will expand the number of LWPs available to the threads library, one for each additional processor in the MP configuration.

The performance benefit from using native threads on an MP machine can be dramatic. For example, using an artificial benchmark where Java threads are doing processing independent of each other, there can be a 3x overall speed improvement on a 4-CPU MP machine.

The second major advantage of native threads is when native methods are being used. In order for the green threads implementation to perform non-blocking I/O, a number of system calls are "wrapped" by the JVM to use green threads synchronization primitives and the like. If native methods make system calls in some way that the green threads JVM doesn't expect, these wrappers often cause severe problems. As a consequence, there are a number of restrictions placed upon native methods in green threads mode, as listed in the section Native Methods below.

In comparison, in native threads mode there is no need for I/O system call wrappers, and there are no restrictions upon what native methods may do, as long as they are coded to be thread-safe and are built with -Kthread.

A final advantage of native threads is that is sometimes gives a clearer picture of a program's activities when debugging at the native methods level with the UDK debugger.

Native Methods

Both the JNI-style native methods added as of JDK 1.1 and the old-style, lower-level native methods from JDK 1.0.2 are supported in this release.

C and C++ native methods must be compiled and linked with the SCO UnixWare/OpenServer Development Kit (UDK). This means that native methods cannot be built with the existing software development kit on OpenServer or UnixWare 2. Some of the reasons for this requirement include:

All of these items are satisfied by the UDK but not by the existing software development kit on OpenServer or UnixWare 2. The UDK can be used either on OpenServer 5 or UnixWare 2 itself, or native method dynamic libraries can be built with the UDK on UnixWare 7 Gemini and then moved to OpenServer or UnixWare 2.

Another important limitation with native methods is upon the kinds of system operations that a native method can do when "green threads" is being used as the Java threads implementation model (see the Threads: Green or Native section above). Under green threads the following restrictions are in place:

None of these limitations exist with the "native threads" implementation model, so if you are coding native methods and that model is available to you, it is strongly recommended that you use it.

SCO-specific examples of the commands needed to build old- and new-style native methods with C and C++ are included in the demos part of the JDK 1.1.7A distribution (when jdk117pls package is installed), in the directory /usr/java/demo/,under the subdirectories native_c_demo, jni_c_demo, native_c++_demo, and jni_c++_demo. In addition, the subdirectory jni_invoc_demo gives an example for C and C++ of the JNI Invocation API. It is highly recommended that you follow the command invocations given in these examples, for unless the native code is built correctly, it will not work as intended.

Debugging Native Methods

Debugging of Java applications is done with the JDK-provided jdb debugger, as described in the relevant Sun documentation.

Debugging of C or C++ native methods, however, must be done with the UDK debugger. This section describes how to go about this.

One thing to note first is that after-the-fact core dumps from the JVM (which might be caused by a native methods bug) will usually have a few levels of signal handlers on the stack subsequent to the actual point of failure. This is true in both green threads and native threads modes. An example would be:

$ debug -c  core.993 /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g
Core image of java_g (process p1) created
CORE FILE [__lwp_kill]
Signal: sigabrt
        0xbffc8a72 (__lwp_kill+12:)      ret
debug> stack
Stack Trace for p1, Program java_g
*[0] __lwp_kill(0x1, 0x6)       [0xbffc8a72]
 [1] sysAbort(presumed: 0xbfffdbb4, 0xbf753ca0, 0)      [../../../../src/unixwar
 [2] signalHandlerPanic(sig=8, info=0x8046f00, uc=0x8046d00)    [../../../../src
 [3] _sigacthandler(presumed: 0x8, 0x8046f00, 0x8046d00)        [0xbffb6831]
 [4] nfib_fib(s=0xbf708bc8, n=0, presumed: 0)   [fib.C@27]
 [5] JIT_CALLBACK1_MARKER()     [0xbf4c8fa8]

The actual point of failure is at frame level [4] in this case. Note also that when the JIT is in use, you don't see the rest of the stack. If you turn off the JIT, then you can see it, but it will just be a bunch of internal routines inside the JVM (with names like do_execute_java_method ) that won't tell you much. In other words, there is no debugging tool available that will show you both the Java stack and the native methods stack at the same time.

Of course, to do real native methods debugging you'll want to run the JVM from within the debugger. To do this you'll need to invoke the JVM executable directly. First, you should use the java_g version of the JVM, since that contains debugging information. Second, if you look at /usr/java/bin/java_g, you'll see that it's a link to a script called .java_wrapper, that sets up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables before calling the actual JVM executable in /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g.

If you invoke /usr/java/bin/java_g through ksh -x you'll see the values LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH are set to; you can set those manually at the command line (store in a script that you "dot" if you debug frequently), then invoke the debugger:

$ . setup_java	# your script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH
$ debug -ic	# or can use graphical version
debug> create /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g my_app
debug> run

Another complication sets in when you want to use symbols (to set breakpoints on, for instance) that are outside of the JVM, such as in native methods. The dynamic libraries that contain native methods are loaded by the JVM via the dlopen call, and until this happens, symbols in the native methods won't be visible to the debugger.

The solution to this is to set a breakpoint inside the JVM at the point where the dynamic library has been loaded, but before code in the libraries is called. For SCO JDK 1.1.7A the appropriate breakpoint is linker_md.c@199. Here is an example demonstrating both the problem and the solution:

$ debug -ic
debug> create /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g my_app
debug> stop my_nativemethod_function
Error: No entry "my_nativemethod_function" exists

debug> stop linker_md.c@199
EVENT [1] assigned
debug> run
STOP EVENT TRIGGERED: linker_md.c@199  in p1 [sysAddDLSegment in ../../../../src/unixware/java/runtime/linker_md.c]
199:        dlsegment[useddlsegments].fname = strdup(fn);
debug> stop my_nativemethod_function
EVENT [2] assigned
debug> run
STOP EVENT TRIGGERED: my_nativemethod_function in p1 [my_nativemethod_function in myfile.C]
68:         bool finished = false;
You can debug normally from that point on.

If you do a lot of this kind of debugging it can be useful to set up an alias in your ~/.debugrc file:

alias cnm create /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g $1 ; run -u linker_md.c@199
Then just giving the cnm some_class command to the debugger will bring you to the point where you can set breakpoints in your native method code.

This technique of using an alias can allow you to define a whole series of convenience commands to set up a typical native methods debugging session. An example of a full .debugrc alias for JVM green threads debugging might be look something like:

alias cjvm set $CLASSPATH=".:/home/whatever/java:/usr/java/lib/" ; export $CLASSPATH ; 
	set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/java/lib/x86at/green_threads:/usr/lib:/usr/X/lib" ;  export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; 
	create -f none /usr/java/bin/x86at/green_threads/java_g $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 ; 
	set %stack_bounds=no ; signal -i cld poll alrm SIGUSR1 ; 
	set $JAVA_HOME="/usr/java" ; export $JAVA_HOME ;
	run -u linker_md.c@199

The setting of the CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables follows the discussion above. The create -f none command tells the debugger to ignore child processes caused by forks done within the X Windows libraries. The stack_bounds setting avoids spurious warnings due to jitted code being executed. The signal -i command keeps the debugger from stopping on innocuous signals that the JVM handles. Setting JAVA_HOME is necessary when debugging within the appletviewer.

For debugging when the JVM is using native threads, simply change the green to native in the above paths. You will probably also want to add a

	set %thread_change=ignore ;
statement as well, depending upon what you are trying to debug.


Java Database Connectivity is a standard SQL database access interface for Java, providing uniform access for Java applications to a wide range of relational databases.

SCO JDK 1.1.7A contains SCO's implementation of JDBC and includes the SCO JDBC driver. SCO's JDBC implementation is built upon SCO's SQL-Retriever product. For more information on SCO SQL-Retriever, please visit .

There is no need to separately install the SCO JDBC implementation, since it is part of the jdk117 installation. It is necessary to separately install the SQL-Retriever product if you are interested in using JDBC.

Additional Implementation Notes

In general one of the important characteristics of Java is that it behaves in exactly the same fashion on all platforms. However there are a few areas where it may be useful to know how the JDK has been implemented on SCO platforms. Some of these have already been discussed above; others are described here.

System Properties

If it is necessary for application code to determine which of the three SCO platforms it is running on, the Java class System.Properties can be queried. Here are some of the values that will be returned on all SCO platforms:

while here are values that are specific to OpenServer 5.0.5:


UnixWare 2.1.3:


and UnixWare 7.1.0:


Abstract Windowing Toolkit

This implementation uses the X Windows System, version X11R6.1, to implement the Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit.

java -debug

This implementation changes any use of the java -debug command into java_g -debug.


This implementation uses an assembly-coded main interpreter loop for faster bytecode execution (however, the debug version java_g uses a C language interpreter), and a just-in-time compiler to further improve performance.


This release of SCO JDK 1.1.7A has passed Sun's Java Compatibility Kit (JCK) 1.1.6a test suite, which is the most recent version of JCK that is applicable to the Sun JDK 1.1.7A baseline.

SCO is committed to maintaining Java application compatibility across all platforms. SCO does not superset or subset the Java APIs as defined by Sun.

Known Problems

This section contains known problems or limitations with SCO's port of JDK 1.1.7A to SCO platforms. For known problems with Sun's JDK 1.1.x releases themselves, see the list at Sun's website.

  1. On some SCO platforms, the X11R6 implementation is currently built to only use TCP/IP as a connection mechanism. This means that even when working locally, you may need to issue an xhost +your_machine_name command.

  2. Large file support (for files > 2GB in size) is not yet present in the package, or anywhere else in the JDK.

  3. The jdb debugger does not always successfully bring up a debugging session in native threads mode. As an alternative, use jdb in green threads mode. If the program being tested needs to be run in native threads mode, run it as a separate process and then grab it with a green threads jdb.

  4. Sometimes when graphical applications are displayed on a remote X platform by means of the DISPLAY environment variable, .gif or other image elements may be missing.

  5. On OpenServer only, if the /etc/resolv.conf file is present and DISPLAY is set to a name not registered in DNS, Java graphical applications will fail to connect to the X server, even if this name is registered in the /etc/hosts file.

See also the restrictions and limitations on native methods.


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