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109310 04/28/1998 09:47 AM 11/01/2010 10:02 AM
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Gathering information when SCO OpenServer 5.0.x system panics but does not produce a valid dump or the system hangs.
openserver 5.0.4 5.0.5 5.0.6 504 505 506 scodb serial console crash panic swap trace hang lock locking valid system dump hangs hanging paniced panicked internet faststart 1.0.0 1.1.0 source corruption insufficient not enough space osr5 v5 507 5.0.7 trouble troubleshoot troubleshooting debug
          SCO OpenServer Enterprise System Release 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 5.0.7 
          SCO OpenServer Host System Release 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 5.0.7 
          SCO OpenServer Desktop System Release 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 5.0.7 
          SCO OpenServer Internet FastStart Release 5.0.4, 5.0.5 
          I have an SCO OpenServer system that is experiencing
          one of the two following problems:

          1. The system panics but does not save a valid dump, either due to
             insufficient swap/dump space or some other source corruption.

          2. The system hangs and does not provide any information on the
             cause of the hang.

          Please Note: If the system is producing a valid dump, you won't need 
          to follow the instructions below; instead see Technical Article 105619, "Panic/Crash
          Analysis if a dump is available".

          Although there can be several reasons why a dump is not saved,
          often it is due to insufficient swap space.  Increasing swap
          for the purpose of obtaining a valid system dump, however
          depends on additional disk space availability and usually,
          re-dividing the root disk partition into differently-sized
          "divvy(ADM)" divisions.


          The information that follows refers to creating more space to
          hold a system dump.

          You _MUST_ have a FULL SYSTEM BACKUP (using either the backup
          utility provided with SCO OpenServer or a third party backup program
          with appropriate emergency boot/root floppies) before attempting
          the following.

          To create emergency boot/root floppies, see the man page
          "mkdev(ADM)"  (the "fd" section of the man page refers to creating 
          the emergency floppies).  For information on creating a backup using 
          the Server backup utility, see the online "Help" documentation, 
          accessed through the GUI, "System Administration Guide, Chapter 3, 
          Backing up filesystems" or the SCO System Administration Guide Book.

          On most systems, swap and dump are the same device, but this is not
          necessarily the case.  To determine if swap and dump are the same
          device for your system, do the following:

              # cd /etc/conf/cf.d  <Enter>

              View the "sassign" file.

          Below is an example of the sassign file where the swap and
          dump devices are the same:

              swap    hd      41
              dump    hd      41

          The value "41" may be different on your system, however it is the
          default value.  If both swap and dump have the same number, they
          are the same device.  If the numbers are different, they are
          different devices.

          The appropriate action to take to obtain a larger dump device
          depends on what situation applies to you:

          1. If the swap device is the dump device and you want to increase
             its size, you must use the divvy (ADM) utility to alter the
             division layout of the drive on which the swap area is usually
             located.  Since this is usually the root drive and the swap area
             is usually located physically on the drive before the root
             (and perhaps other) filesystem, the procedure involves 
             overwriting root, and involves the same steps as an emergency 
             restore procedure from a set of up-to-date backup tapes.  

             See Technical Article 104767, "Recover OpenServer 5 root filesystem after crash 
             if backups, boot/root exist" in order to perform this procedure; 
             when running divvy(ADM) to create the disk layout (under section 
             II of the aforementioned Technical Article) you can modify the 
             divisions in order to accommodate a larger swap area.

          2. If you have an additional drive on which to allocate a separate
             dump device, you must initialize that drive and alter the default
             bootstring to recognize the new dump device.  See Technical Article 105920,
             "In OpenServer 5.0.x, I don't have enough swap space to complete
             a panic dump" for the detailed procedure.


          When a system hangs, there may be no indication of the reason for
          the hang and getting information from the system at this point may
          be extremely difficult or impossible.  However, in some cases, it
          may be possible to use the SCO Kernel Debugger, scodb, to
          troubleshoot the problem.  The information below describes how to
          configure and use scodb.

          As always, for system hangs or panics, refer to the following
          logfiles for information that may be relevant to the problems a
          system is experiencing:

              # /usr/adm/messages
              # /usr/adm/syslog

          The SCO Kernel Debugger, scodb, may be an extremely valuable tool
          for analyzing panics and hangs on your system. The primary features
          of scodb, when used in these situations, are:

          1. When in scodb debug mode, kernel execution is suspended,
             allowing the system administrator to observe snapshots of
             important system information, such as the system stack
             trace of the currently active process.  You can manually
             enter debug mode at any time by typing "<ctrl> x" on the
             console keyboard on a 5.0.4 or 5.0.5 system, or by typing
             "<cntl-alt> d" on a 5.0.6 system, after configuring scodb
             on the system.

          2. After scodb is configured on the system, debug mode is
             automatically entered when a panic occurs on the system,

          3. When used in combination with a serial console, scodb
             enables the System Administrator to troubleshoot
             software-related system hangs.

          When OpenServer 5.0.x is installed, scodb is also installed, but
          it is not active until it is linked into the kernel.

          To link scodb into the kernel:

          Change directories to:

              # /etc/conf/sdevice.d

          Edit the following file with vi or your favorite text editor:


          Once the scodb file is open it should look like this:

              scodb   N   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

          To allow scodb to be linked into the kernel, change the "N" to
          a "Y" so that it looks like this:

              scodb   Y   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

          Once the file has been changed and saved you can relink the
          kernel by typing:

              # /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix -y

          Please Note: It is necessary to relink the kernel twice, as the 
          kernel symbol table has been adjusted during the first relink. 

          You may get the following message after this first relink:

           db_symtable in unix would only fit 200000 out of 216984 bytes

           Corrected table sizes in
           ready for next re-link

          This is normal; after relinking the second time you will not receive 
          the error.

          After the kernel is relinked, restart the system.

          *********************** IMPORTANT ****************************

          The X Desktop should not be the active console multiscreen
          while running scodb.  If the X Desktop is active when scodb is
          started by a panic, or if started manually, you will not be
          able to get to a character tty session to run scodb.  (scodb
          will not run in an X Window.)

          Thus, it may be good practice to not run the X Desktop at all
          while scodb is configured in the kernel.  For instructions
          on how to disable scologin, which controls Desktop startup, see
          Technical Article Technical Article 109072, "Can the console be the default
          screen after bootup instead of scologin?"


          Manually Starting the SCO Kernel Debugger (scodb):

          To manually enter scodb you will need to be at a character tty.
          The key sequence to enter scodb on a 5.0.4 or 5.0.5 system is

              # <ctrl> x

          and on a 5.0.6 system,

              # <cntl-alt> d

          Please Note: If you have an application that uses the "<ctrl> x" 
          sequence to run a command on a 5.0.4 or 5.0.5 system, or the
          "<cntl-alt> d" sequence to run a command on a 5.0.6
          system, scodb will start and the application's "<ctrl> x" or
          "<cntl-alt> d", in effect, will no longer be active
          while scodb is configured into the kernel.

          Reconfiguring the scodb Command Key Sequence:

          If you need to configure the key sequence of "<ctrl> x" on
          OpenServer 5.0.4 or 5.0.5 to another key sequence see Chapter 1 of 
          the SCODB User's Guide under "Running SCODB" and "Modifying tuneable 
          parameters" and see the examples that follow.  On an OpenServer 
          5.0.6 system, see the comments at the bottom of the file


          in order to modify the key sequence for entering scodb.

          To see the currently configured parameters for scodb, type:

              # cd /etc/conf/pack.d/scodb  <Enter>

              # bin/modtunes -f tune.h  <Enter>

          The key sequence for entering scodb is next to the "DBKEY" value.
          The value corresponds to the ASCII table decimal value.  For
          example, "<ctrl> x" is represented by "24" on the ASCII table.

          To change the key sequence for entering scodb, type:

              # cd /etc/conf/pack.d/scodb  <Enter>

              # bin/modtunes -f tune.h DBKEY=26

          This example will set the key sequence to be "<ctrl> z" (an
          ASCII value of "26"), instead of "<ctrl> x", to enter scodb

          After making the above change the kernel will have to be
          relinked for the change to take effect.  To relink the kernel,

              # /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix -y  <Enter>

          Once the kernel is relinked the system will have to be shut
          down and restarted.


          System Panics:

          When a system panics, scodb should start up automatically and
          you will see the following prompt:


          where "0" is the entry level of the debugger and the "1" is
          the command number in the history.

          Once in scodb there are several commands you can use.

          The command that should show where the system panicked is
          stack (that is, at the debug prompt you would type in "stack"
          and <Enter> as in the example below):

              debug0:1> stack  <Enter>

          The "stack" command does not list the processes that were running;
          rather, it shows the kernel stack of the active process in a
          readable format.

          For multiprocessor (SMP) computers the next command would be:

              debug0:2> eps()  <Enter>

          The above command will give information for each processor on
          the system.

          Please Note:  You should write down the information from the "stack"
          and eps() commands and have that available for your SCO Technical
          Support provider.

          To exit out of scodb, type:

              quit <Enter>

          In some cases you may need to press <Enter> a second time.

          Once scodb is exited, the system will attempt to save a system dump
          image to the dump device.  Whether or not this dump finishes will
          depend on the factors listed in the "Cause" section of this article.
          Once the dump completes or quits, you will see the "Safe to Power
          Off" message and the system will need to be restarted.


          System Hangs:

          System hangs can be more problematic.  Depending on the type
          of system hang scodb may not be useful since the keyboard will
          be "locked up" and won't respond.  If the keyboard is responding,
          you can enter the following to manually start scodb:

              # <ctrl> x

          Press the <Ctrl> and <x> keys at the same time or the key 
          that you have changed to.

          If the keyboard responds this will start scodb and you will see
          the debug prompt as above.

          Using the stack command, gather the information that is displayed,
          as in the section entitled "System Panics" above.

          For system hangs, a dump will not be run when you exit scodb.

          If you have enough space to dump, you can do so by entering the
          following at the scodb debug prompt:

              debug0:1> sysdump()  <Enter>

          Please Note: The debug prompt may have different numeric values than
          in the example above.

          Whether or not a dump will complete will depend on several factors
          such as having enough room to dump to, the state of the system and
          whether or not it can dump, and so on.

          If a system dump is generated, see Technical Article 105935, "How do I create 
          customized system dump images on demand?"

          To extract the dump from swap, you could use the /etc/sysdump 

          # /etc/sysdump -i /dev/swap -n /unix -fumbo my.minidump
          Again, to exit out of scodb type in "quit" <Enter> <Enter>.

          If the keyboard does not respond, there is still a chance that the
          hang can be analyzed the next time it occurs by configuring a serial
          console to take the place of the default console device.  This is
          valuable in those cases where the system is hung inside the
          operating system, and can be interrupted by a device driver running 
          at a sufficiently high priority.  Since the serial driver runs at the
          highest priority level (7) on the system, these types of hangs can
          be analyzed by typing <Ctrl><x> (or the remapped key sequence) 
          the serial console keyboard when the hang occurs.

          A serial console is used as if it were the "normal" console.  Once
          again, use the stack command at the debug prompt to gather
          information as in the steps above.

          For information on how to set up a serial terminal, see Technical Article 109287,
          "How do I set up a serial console on SCO OpenServer 5?"


          Removing the SCO Kernel Debugger (scodb):

          To remove or deconfigure the SCO Kernel Debugger, scodb, do the

          Change directories to:

              # /etc/conf/sdevice.d

          Edit the following file with vi or your favorite text editor:

              # scodb

          Once the scodb file is open it should look like this:

              # scodb   Y   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

          To remove scodb from the kernel change the "Y" to an "N" so it
          looks like this:

              # scodb   N   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

          Once the file has been changed and saved you can relink the
          kernel by typing:

              #  /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix -y

          After the kernel relinks, shut down and restart the system and
          scodb will no longer be functional on the system.

          ************************* IMPORTANT ****************************

          The SCO kernel debugger, scodb, is a powerful tool and should be
          used only when necessary.  The kernel debugger should not be used
          on systems (particularly production systems) unless there is no
          other method of finding out information about what is causing
          system panics/hangs.  If possible scodb should be installed on a
          test system so that the user can become familiar with it before
          attempting to configure it on a system that contains important,
          critical or unrecoverable data.


          One possible problem of running scodb on a production system is
          the use of the "ctrl x" option to start scodb.  If an application
          that is on the system also uses "<ctrl> x" to save a file, or some
          other operation, the use of "<ctrl> x" will start scodb, freezing
          the kernel; the system may need to be restarted if exiting out of
          scodb restores connectivity or other functionality. See the section
          for configuring the "<ctrl> x" option under the "System Hangs"
          portion of this technical article for reconfiguring this key
          sequence for scodb.

          This technical article is not meant to be a tutorial for scodb
          nor is it a comprehensive overview of scodb; rather, it is
          intended for use on a system that is panicking or hanging and
          not providing either a dump or information regarding the hang.

          If the system is producing valid dumps and the crash utility can
          be run against the dumps scodb does not have to be used.

          Running scodb should have a minimal effect on system performance.

          man pages scodb(ADM), crash(ADM), divvy(ADM), mkdev(ADM)

          SCO System Administration Guide book or the Online Help for
          the System Administration Guide.

          Online Help for scodb

              To access the online help, double-click on the "Help" icon
              on the SCO OpenServer GUI Desktop, select "Navigate" then
              "Search".  When the new window opens, click on "Entire
              Library" and enter "scodb" in the "Search for" field and
              click on the "Search" button.

          Online Help for configuring scodb: Chapter 1 of the SCODB
          User's Guide.


          Technical Article 105935, "How do I create customized system dump images on demand?"

          Technical Article 105411, "Filesystem Repair Utilities for SCO OpenServer 5.0.0,
          5.0.2 and 5.0.4."

          Technical Article 105619, "Panic/Crash Analysis if a dump is available."

          Technical Article 105840, "Techniques to help identify the failing function
          of a kernel panic."

          Technical Article 105920, "In OpenServer 5.0.x, I don't have enough swap space
          to complete a panic dump."

          Technical Article 109072, "Can the console be the default screen after bootup
          instead of scologin?"

          Technical Article 104767, "Recover OpenServer 5 root filesystem after crash if
          backups, boot/root exist"

          Technical Article 109287, "How do I set up a serial console on OpenServer 5?"
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