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107566 08/16/1995 04:47 PM 10/22/2010 09:55 AM
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How do I tune STREAMS resources under OpenServer 5?
unix openserver v5 osr5 5.0.0 tcpip 2.0.0 streams resources tuning increase tuneable kernel parameters network hang nstrpages strsplitfrac nstream performance optimization dynamic ceiling allocate management v5 buffer memory cpu system heads pipe connections framentation netstat -m failures data nblock block class strd out of
          SCO OpenServer Enterprise System Release 5.0.x 
          SCO OpenServer Desktop System Release 5.0.x 
           This article pertains to TCP/IP Release 2.0.0, which is a 
           component of SCO OpenServer Release 5. It is not available 
           as a standalone product. 
          I am used to tuning my STREAMS resources by adjusting the
          individual number of message buffer data blocks to meet
          current system requirements.  Under SCO OpenServer Release
          5.0.0, these values are dynamically maintained and are
          not tunable.

          How do I tune STREAMS resources under TCP/IP 2.0.0?

          Without a sufficient number of STREAMS resources for TCP/IP
          and IPX/SPX, your system may suffer performance problems to
          the point of complete inactivity (hanging).

          Under previous releases of the SCO operating systems, the
          system or network administrators tuned STREAMS resources
          by adjusting the data block count for a particular class
          of data block, depending on resource usage for that class.

          Under SCO OpenServer Release 5.0.0, there are only three
          parameters which are used to adjust a system's STREAMS

                            controls the total amount of physical
                            memory that can be made available for
                            messages.  The kernel will dynamically
                            allocate up to NSTRPAGES of memory for
                            message and buffer headers and buffers.

                            is a percentage "high-water mark" of
                            NSTRPAGES.  If more than STRSPLITFRAC
                            percent of NSTRPAGES is in use and a
                            suitable buffer is not available on
                            the free list, the kernel will try to
                            split a larger buffer for use, and will
                            only allocate more memory if this 
                            fails.  The default value is 80% for
                            STRSPLITFRAC.  If you set this value
                            lower, STREAMS will use less memory:
                            large buffer splitting will occur
                            quicker than if STRSPLITFRAC were a
                            higher value.  However, splitting the
                            buffers can induce rapid memory
                            fragmentation.  Unallocated memory 
                            fragments exist as small, uncontiguous,
                            chunks of memory which are unusable for
                            large buffers.  The STREAMS daemon,
                            strd, manages STREAMS memory whenever
                            possible by coalescing and releasing 
                            chunks of unallocated STREAMS memory
                            for use by large buffer requests.

                            controls the number of stream heads
                            available.  One stream head is used
                            for each application running on your
                            system that uses STREAMS to establish
                            connections.  Applications that use
                            stream pipes require two stream heads
                            per pipe.  Each configured stream head
                            requires 80 bytes of memory; other 
                            than this overhead, NSTREAM has no
                            effect on performance.
          The mechanism to monitor STREAMS performance and resource
          allocation is still the netstat(TC) command.  Monitoring
          STREAMS resources allows you to determine when to tune your
          system for maximum performance for TCP/IP and IPX/SPX 

          By running the command:

                 # netstat -m

          you will get a report of STREAMS memory usage.  The critical
          column of data in the report is the 'fail' column.

streams allocation:
                         config    alloc     free       total      max     fail
stream                     3072      166     2906        4046      181        0
queues                      908      383      525        9986      422        0
mblks                      9828     9062      766    14212132     9680        0
buffer headers             9914     9723      191      490194     9840        0
class  1,     64 bytes     4608     4400      208     5153329     4568        0
class  2,    128 bytes     4608     4403      205     4602065     4599        0
class  3,    256 bytes      176       13      163     1935437      233        0
class  4,    512 bytes       40        8       32      746953       43        0
class  5,   1024 bytes       12        2       10      327388       36        0
class  6,   2048 bytes      134      111       23      426889      137        0
class  7,   4096 bytes      105       94       11        2656      105        0
class  8,   8192 bytes        6        0        6        2900       14        0
class  9,  16384 bytes        3        0        3        1450        3        0
class 10,  32768 bytes        0        0        0           0        0        0
class 11,  65536 bytes        0        0        0           0        0        0
class 12, 131072 bytes        0        0        0           0        0        0
class 13, 262144 bytes        0        0        0           0        0        0
class 14, 524288 bytes        0        0        0           0        0        0
total configured streams memory: 3024.00KB
streams memory in use: 1619.91KB
maximum streams memory used: 2249.61KB

          If the 'fail' column for the 'streams' row is non-zero, this
          indicates that the number of stream-heads configured needs to
          be increased.  This can be done by increasing the value of the
          kernel parameter NSTREAM using the configure(ADM) command.

          Please also note that NSTREAM should be set to at least 256 on
          systems that mount NFS-filesystems or invoke remote X clients.
          A program will not run if it cannot obtain a stream head and 
          will generate an error message:

                      NOTICE: {progname}: out of streams
          Failures in the other rows, namely in the 'queues', 'mblks'
          and 'buffer headers' rows (along with their corresponding
          failures in the 'class' rows), may warrant additional kernel

          At the end of the 'netstat -m' command output is listed
          STREAMS memory values.  They are:

             - 'total configured streams memory' --
                    indicates the upper limit of the amount of memory which
                    can be dynamically allocated for STREAMS usage.

             - 'streams memory in use' --
                    the amount of memory currently in use by STREAMS

             - 'maximum streams memory used' -- 
                    the maximum amount used since the system was booted

          If there are several non-zero entries in the 'fail' column, and
          the amount of 'streams memory in use' is almost the same as the
          'total configured streams memory', then you should increase the
          number of NSTRPAGES.  NSTRPAGES controls the number of 4K pages
          of memory that can be dynamically allocated for STREAMS use.
          As a final note, STREAMS resource configuration is a process
          which requires time, careful observation and analysis, and
          planning by the System/Network Administrator.  Increasing or
          decreasing STREAMS parameters is system-dependent.  A thorough
          knowledge of your system, the user-process requirements, system
          overhead requirements, and load (as a function of time) 
          requirements are only part of the variables which must be
          factored into your decision when tuning STREAMS, or any kernel
          resource, parameters.
          man pages for STREAMS, configure(ADM), netstat(TS)
          "Sco OpenServer Performance Guide"  (AU200004P000)
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