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105619 06/20/1997 09:06 AM 03/17/2009 11:11 AM
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Panic/Crash Analysis if a dump is available.
panic panicked panicking crash analysis dump core trace user proc down analyze troubleshoot parachute cocktail investigate procedures recipes openserver osr5 v5 5.0.0 5.0.2 5.0.4 5.0.5 unix 4.0 4.1 4.2 506 5.0.6 507 5.0.7
          SCO OpenServer Enterprise System Release 5.0.0, 5.0.2, 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 
          SCO OpenServer Host System Release 5.0.0, 5.0.2, 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 
          SCO OpenServer Desktop System Release 5.0.0, 5.0.2, 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 
5.0.6, 5.0.7 
          SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.0, 4.1 
           and 4.2 
          My machine panicked.  What steps can I take to help identify
          the cause of the panic and to protect my operating system from

          Although the instructions below for saving the dump images on tape
          are entirely valid, it may be more convenient to use the sysdump(ADM)
          utility to save the dump in reduced ("deflated") form, which will
          facilitate electronic transfer of the dump. See Technical Article 105935, "How to
          create customized system dump images on demand?" for more information
          on the use of the sysdump(ADM) utility. Also, it is preferable
          to obtain several dumps in a situation where the panic is happening
          frequently to facilitate analysis.  See Technical Article 105935, "How to create
          customized system dump images on demand?" for more information on
          the use of the sysdump(ADM) utility.

          These steps are listed in the SUMMARY section below for quick

          1. It is important to copy the exact register dump information from
          the system console prior to rebooting or powering off the computer.
          This is sometimes not saved in the dump and is extremely helpful in
          determining whether the panic is caused by software or hardware.
          If, however, it is not practical to copy the entire contents of the
          screen, try to get the cs: register, the eip: register and the kernel
          trap type.

          If the eip and es values are consistent then this points to a likely
          software/driver fault.

          2. During reboot, you may receive prompts about checking the
          filesystem or saving the dump image.  Answer them in the following

          a. At the message about filesystem repair by fsck, answer no.  This
          allows running fsck with extended flags after entering single-user
          (maintenance) mode.

      It is also fine to run the "quick" fsck option by answering
          yes to the message.  In SCO UNIX Version 4.2 and earlier, running
          the "quick" version of fsck may not run with the -s flag which would
          be critical for establishing a clean filesystem.

          b. At the message about saving the swap image, answer yes.  This
          places an image of the dump on tape.  (This step can be deferred
          by answering no, and using the "dumpsave" procedure described below
          before entering multiuser mode.)

          c. At the message about deleting the swap image, answer no.  This
          preserves the image in the swap area for immediate analysis using
          the crash(ADM) utility.  This image will remain in the swap area
          until swapping is done by the kernel.  It is safe while in
          single-user (Maintenance) mode.


          This is called by "bcheckrc" from the /etc/inittab file during the
          boot process.

          3. At the Control-D prompt, enter the root password.  This enters
          single-user (Maintenance) mode.

      Do NOT enter <CONTROL-D>.  Entering multiuser mode
          at this time would endanger the image in swap if the kernel does any
          swapping.  This would overwrite portions of the dump in swap causing
          corruption.  Additionally, the root filesystem has not yet been
          cleaned and repaired by the following steps, potentially causing
          more problems.

          4. In single-user mode:

          For UNIX 3.2v4.2 and earlier, enter:

             /etc/fsck -y -b -s -D /dev/root

          For OpenServer 5.0.X, enter:

             /etc/fsck -ofull /dev/root

      If the computer reboots, re-enter Maintenance mode.

          5. Run crash(ADM) on the dump and save the output to a file for
          analysis using the following syntax:

             /etc/crash -d <dump> -w <outputfile>

          This redirects stdout directly to the file so no output is displayed
          on the screen other than the '>' prompt for crash(ADM).  For example:

             /etc/crash -d /dev/swap -w /tmp/crashout.<date>  (crashout.0925)

          6. Run the following processes: (Note that the prompt for crash(ADM)
          is '>'.)

             > panic
             > trace
             > stack
             > user
             > proc
             > u -f
             > quit

          This will produce an output file which can be viewed and analyzed.

          The output file from the crash(ADM) utility, as well as an accurate
          copy of the register dump, are important items for crash analysis.
          However, it is frequently necessary to compare more than one register
          dump and crash(ADM) output file to accurately determine the cause.

PROCEDURE   "SAVEDUMP" procedure for saving the image in /dev/swap to either
            a tape or file.  This must be done BEFORE entering multi-user
            mode to guarantee the integrity of the image in swap.  Each step
            is commented.  The '#' is the root prompt.

            # memsize /dev/swap
            # dd if=/dev/swap of=<filename> bs=1024k count=<#MB>

            */ memsize /dev/swap gives the size of the dump (in bytes)    /*
            */ <filename> is either <tapedevice> or 
<outputfilename>      /*
            */ <#MB> is the amount determined by memsize in (megabytes+1) /*
            */ i.e. if memsize=33026048 (32MB), count=33                  /*

          7. After doing the crash(ADM) analysis go through the steps outlined
          in filesystem repair "cocktail" scripts for your version of the
          operating system:

          Technical Article 105410, "Filesystem Repair Utilities for SCO UNIX Release 3.2
          Version 4.2."

          Technical Article 105411, "Filesystem Repair Utilities for SCO OpenServer 5.0.0,
          5.0.2 and 5.0.4."

          A full "cocktail" may not be necessary after each panic, however
          doing so helps maintain filesystem integrity.  It is strongly
          advised that the "cocktail" be run prior to backing up, to
          minimize the danger of reintroducing corruption during a restore.

          8. After the system has been returned to operational status, place
          the necessary information on a tape to save for future analysis:

          Save the dumpfile and kernel to a tape using either cpio or tar.
          For example:

             tar cvf /dev/<tapedev> <dumpfile> <kernel>

          For OpenServer 5.0.x:

            tar cvf /dev/<tape> <dumpfile> /stand/unix

          For UNIX 3.2v4.2 and earlier:

            tar cvf /dev/<tape> <dumpfile> /unix


                            SUMMARY:    Panic Parachute

          Here are the basic steps outlined for quick reference to use after
          a panic.

          -   Copy the register dump information from the console screen
              before reboot.

          -   Reboot the system and defer running fsck(ADM) until after
              entering System Maintenance mode.

          -   Defer removing image from swap until after running crash(ADM)
              routines: panic, user, trace, proc, 'u -f' and quit, then
              verifying that the image on tape is good.

          -   Using "savedump" procedure, transfer image in /dev/swap to file.

          -   Run filesystem repair utilities "cocktail".

                   /etc/fsck -ofull /dev/root (OSES 5.0.X only)
                   /etc/fsck -y -b -s -D /dev/root (UNIX 3.2v4.2 and earlier)
                   /tcb/bin/integrity -em > /tmp/integ.rpt
                   /etc/tcbck <enter>
                   /tcb/bin/authck -a -v <enter>
                   /etc/fixmog -v <enter>

                   (OpenServer 5.0.X only:)
                   Software Manager ==> Software ==>
                   Verify System   ==> Normal System State (thorough)

          -   Transfer dumpfile and kernel to tape using tar.


          Technical Article 106181,  "Why did my unix kernel panic?"

          Technical Article 104166, "How do I determine which function in the kernel PANICked?"

          Technical Article 106009,   "What are Traps, Interrupts and Exceptions?"

          Technical Article 105411, "Filesystem Repair Utilities for SCO OpenServer 5.0.0,
          5.0.2 and 5.0.4."

          Technical Article 105410, "Filesystem Repair Utilities for SCO UNIX Release 3.2
          Version 4.2."
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