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104383 10/18/1993 02:52 PM 04/25/2001 09:53 PM
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Explanation of major and minor numbers.
major minor numbers device file /dev /unix kernel block character raw bdevsw cdevsw array /usr/include/sys/conf.h structure inode
SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.2 and
SCO Open Desktop Release 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0

          What are major and minor numbers and how do I determine the
          major and minor numbers of a device file?

          When you list an ordinary file with the l(C) command, it looks
          something like this:

               # l /bin/true
               -rwxr-xr-x   4 bin      bin          477 Jun 11 1990 /bin/true
               ^\-------/   ^  ^_owner  ^            ^  \---------/ \-------/
               |  modes     |           |__group     |      date      file
               |          number                     |                name
             type        of links                   size
                         to this

          The first character in this output (i.e., the ``-'') indicates
          that this is an ordinary file.  A device file, when listed with
          the l(C) command, will have a ``b'' or a ``c'' in place of the
          ``-'' to signify that the device file is a block or character
          device, respectively.

          Block devices use the kernel's buffer cache.  This means that
          any data written to or read from a block device will be
          sent/received by the device driver in 512 byte blocks rather
          than one character at a time.  Since the data is being blocked,
          this gives the device drivers the opportunity to process the
          data for optimal throughput.

          Character devices, which by-pass the kernel's buffer cache,
          send/receive data one character at a time.  Character devices
          are commonly called "raw" devices because they do not process
          the data.

          There is a device file on all SCO UNIX Systems called /dev/root.
          This device is used in reading or writing data on the hard disk.
          The minor number tells the device driver specifically where to 
          write on the disk (i.e., in the "root filesystem").  When l(C) is 
          used to list a device file, such as /dev/root, it looks something 
          like this:

               # l /dev/root
               br--r-----   1 root     backup     1, 40 Jan 01 09:17 /dev/root
               ^\-------/   ^  ^_owner  ^         ^   ^ \---------/ \-------/
               |  modes     |           |__group  |   |     date      file
               |          number                  |   |               name
             type        of links             major  minor
                         to this             number  number

          Notice, as discussed earlier, that the first character in the
          output above is a ``b'' signifying that this is a block device.
          There is a similar device, /dev/rroot, which is a character 
          device.  When we use l(C) to list /dev/rroot, it looks something
          like this:

               # l /dev/rroot
               crw-r-----   1 sysinfo  sysinfo    1, 40 Jun 12 1990 /dev/rroot
               ^\-------/   ^  ^_owner  ^         ^   ^ \---------/ \-------/
               |  modes     |           |__group  |   |     date      file
               |          number                  |   |               name
             type        of links             major  minor
                         to this             number  number

          Notice that the first character in the output above is a ``c''
          signifying that this is a character device.  Earlier, it was
          pointed out that character devices are commonly called raw 
          devices.  The initial ``r'' in the names of character device files
          such as /dev/rroot stands for "raw".  This is a common naming
          convention used for device files when the driver provides both
          block and character devices (e.g., the floppy device driver 
          provides the block device /dev/fd0 and the character device

          This brings up an important point -- device drivers needn't 
           provide both a block device and character device.  Usually, 
           a device driver need only provide a character interface.  For
          instance, the cartridge tape driver only provides character 
           devices (e.g., /dev/rct0).  As stated earlier, the ``r'' in
          "/dev/rct0" implies that this is a raw or character device.

          Note, however, that not all character devices start with names
          beginning with ``r''.  For instance, /dev/lp0 looks something
          like this when listed with l(C):

               # l /dev/lp0
               crw-------   2 bin      bin        6,  0 Jun 13 1990 /dev/lp0

          Again, the ``r'' as the first character of a device file's name
          implies that the device is a raw device.  However, it is the
          ``c'' as the first character in the output of the l(C) command
          that positively identifies a device as a raw device.

          Returning to our earlier example of /dev/rroot, we see that l(C)
          reports the following:

               # l /dev/rroot
               crw-r-----   1 sysinfo  sysinfo    1, 40 Jun 12 1990 /dev/rroot
               ^\-------/   ^  ^_owner  ^         ^   ^ \---------/ \-------/
               |  modes     |           |__group  |   |     date      file
               |          number                  |   |               name
             type        of links             major  minor
                         to this             number  number

          Note that where l(C) would have printed the size of an ordinary
          file (i.e., to the left of the date), l(C) lists the major and
          minor numbers of the device file.  In the case of /dev/rroot,
          the major number is 1 and the minor number is 40.

          Now note that the major and minor numbers for /dev/rroot and
          /dev/root are identical.  The only (significant) difference in
          the l(C) listing between the two devices is the block versus
          character distinction (i.e., one says ``b'' and the other says

          Let's begin understanding major numbers with the following 
          simplified definition: The major number is simply an index into 
          an array of device drivers in the kernel.  For those readers who
          have used arrays in computer programming, this explanation should
          be fairly revealing.  But for the others, we now offer the 
          following explanation of what an array is.

          An array is a data structure that can hold multiple elements of
          a similar nature.  For instance, we could define an array called
          "fruit".  As its name suggests, the items that this array will
          hold will be different types of fruit.  Arbitrarily, we'll say
          that this array called "fruit" can hold up to five items.  
          Pictorially, this might be represented as follows:

                 |        |
               0 | cherry |
                 |        |
               1 |        |
                 |        |
               2 | banana |
                 |        |
               3 | apple  |
                 |        |
               4 | cherry |

          Notice the numbers to the left of the picture of the "fruit"
          array.  These number the different "slots".  In programming, we
          refer to any of these numbers as an "index".  For instance, the
          index for the slot in fruit that contains "banana" is 2.  In
          programs, we refer to the contents of any given slot by saying
          "fruit[n]" where ``n'' is the slot number.  In our example:

               fruit[0]=cherry    fruit[2]=banana
               fruit[3]=apple     fruit[4]=cherry

          When talking about arrays such as the "fruit" array, it is 
          common to refer to the array as fruit[].

          Notice that in our example, the numbering of the indecies begins
          at 0.  This is common with arrays.  For reasons beyond the scope
          of this article, having 0 as the first index is advantageous
          because accessing any element of the array is faster than if you
          started numbering with 1 (or any other number for that matter).

          The original major number definition was: The major number is
          simply an index into an array of device drivers in the kernel.
          Pictorially, this might be represented as follows:

              |     |
            0 |  o--|-->console driver
              |     |
            1 |  o--|-->hard disk driver
              |     |
            2 |  o--|-->floppy disk driver
              |     |
            3 |  o--|-->tty driver
              |     |
            4 |  o--|-->memory driver
              |     |
            5 |  o--|-->serial I/O driver

          We now return to the distinction between block and character
          devices.  Our previous major number definition was an over-
          simplification.  Namely, it is inaccurate to say that the major
          number is an index into a (single) array in the kernel.  There
          are actually two arrays, one which lists the device drivers for
          the block drivers and one which lists the device drivers for the
          character devices.  These arrays are called bdevsw[] and
          cdevsw[] respectively.  bdevsw[] and cdevsw[] stand for "block
          device switch table" and "character device switch table" 

          So a more accurate pictorial representation of the arrays in
          the kernel might be represented as follows:

               bdevsw                           cdevsw
               _____                            _____
              |     |                          |     |
            0 |     |                        0 |  o--|-->console driver
              |_____|                          |_____|
              |     |                          |     |
            1 |  o--|-->hard disk driver     1 |  o--|-->hard disk driver
              |_____|                          |_____|
              |     |                          |     |
            2 |  o--|-->floppy disk driver   2 |  o--|-->floppy disk driver
              |_____|                          |_____|
              |     |                          |     |
            3 |     |                        3 |  o--|-->tty driver
              |_____|                          |_____|
              |     |                          |     |
            4 |     |                        4 |  o--|-->memory driver
              |_____|                          |_____|
              |     |                          |     |
            5 |     |                        5 |  o--|-->serial I/O driver
              |_____|                          |_____|

          Again, notice that all device drivers must provide a character
          interface but a block device is not necessary.

          Our major number definition is still an over-simplification.
          It is true that the major number is simply an index into either
          bdevsw[] or cdevsw[].  However, it is an over-simplification to
          say that each element of these arrays is a device driver.
          Rather, each element of the arrays is a structure.

          A structure is a collection of not necessarily similar objects.
          First we'll study the structure of each element of bdevsw[].
          Each element is a structure of type "bdevsw" (in the C programming 
          language, it is legal to have a structure which has the same name 
          as an array).  The bdevsw structure is defined in the 
          file /usr/include/sys/conf.h as follows:

              struct bdevsw {
                      int     (*d_open)();
                      int     (*d_close)();
                      int     (*d_strategy)();
                      int     (*d_print)();
                      char     *d_name;
                      struct iobuf    *d_tab;
              extern struct bdevsw bdevsw[];

          Note:  Each device driver provides the following routines
                 amongst others:  open(), close(), read(), write().
                 Because each driver provides these, they are generically
                 referred to as xxopen(), xxclose(), xxread(), and
                 xxwrite().  For a particular device driver, the "xx" is
                 replaced by the driver's handle.  We'll return to the
                 notion of a "handle" later.  For instance, the serial I/O
                 device driver's handle is "sio".  So the serial I/O
                 driver provides sioopen(), sioclose(), sioread(), and

          You needn't be concerned with understanding the exact meaning of
          the source code for the bdevsw structure.  What is important to
          see is that the bdevsw structure has a pointer to a particular
          driver's xxopen() and its xxclose().

          Also note that the bdevsw structure has a function pointer to a
          routine called xxstrategy().  Earlier we said that block drivers
          process the data passed to them.  It is the xxstrategy() routine
          that does this processing.  As a matter of fact, it is the fact
          that block devices provide an xxstrategy() that makes them 
          different from a character device.

          So we now return to character devices.  Specifically, we now
          examine the format of the cdevsw structure.

              struct cdevsw {
                      int     (*d_open)();
                      int     (*d_close)();
                      int     (*d_read)();
                      int     (*d_write)();
                      int     (*d_ioctl)();
                      struct tty *d_ttys;
                      struct streamtab *d_str;
                      char     *d_name;
              extern struct cdevsw cdevsw[];

          Notice that the cdevsw structure has function pointers to each
          device driver's xxopen(), xxclose(), xxread(), and xxwrite().
          In addition, the cdevsw structure also has a function pointer 
           to a previously undiscussed routine called xxioctl().  We will
          return to xxioctl() later.  For now, just notice that only 
          character devices provide the xxioctl().

          Again, we present a more accurate pictorial representation of
          the bdevsw[] and cdevsw[] arrays:

               bdevsw                             cdevsw
               _____                              _____
              |     |                            |     |   cnopen(), cnclose(),
            0 |     |                          0 |  o--|-->cnread(), cnwrite(),
              |_____|                            |_____|   cnioctl()
              |     |                            |     |
            1 |  o--|-->hdopen(), hdclose(),   1 |  o--|-->hdopen(), hdclose(),
              |_____|   hdstrategy()             |_____|   hdread(), hdwrite(),

          Now the bdevsw[] and cdevsw[] arrays have been explained fairly 
           accurately, let us again remember the original definition of a 
           major number: The major number is simply an index into an array 
           of device drivers in the kernel.  While we'll use this over-
           simplified explanation, you'll understand what's really going 
           on at a detailed level.

          If you use a command such as cat(C) to examine (read) a file, 
           the cat(C) command does three things:  (1) it opens the requested 
           file; (2) it then reads the data from that file; and (3) it closes 
           the file.  In C source code, this would look something like this:

               read(fd, buffer);

          The first line of this over-simplified program sets a variable
          called "fd".  "fd" stands for "file descriptor".  Each user 
           process has an array known as the "User File Descriptor Table".
          This array lists how to access each file that a process has
          open.  "fd" is an index into this array.

          Consequently, when a statement such as the second in our example
          program is executed, the operating system will read the data
          from the file pointed to by "fd" and will put the data into a
          variable called "buffer".

          The final line of our example program causes the operating 
           system to close the file pointed to by "fd".

          While it is true to say that each element of the User File
          Descriptor Table lists how to access each file that a process
          has open, there is more to the story than just that.

          Files are a basic concept in any operating system.  Although a
          file's data may be scattered across a hard disk drive, the
          operating system is able to present it to the user in one piece.

          When a user opens a file, the operating system records this
          information in two places.  The first is the "User File 
          Descriptor Table".  Simply put, this table records the files 
          that a user has open.  This is in contrast to another table, 
          the "File Table" which records all the files that are open on 
          the system.

          As explained earlier, the User File Descriptor Table gets its
          name from the fact that when you open a file with the open(S)
          system call, you get back a "file descriptor".  A file descriptor 
          is simply an index into the User File Descriptor Table for a
          particular user.  We'll return to the concept of a file descriptor 

User File
Descriptor        File
Table (user #1)   Table
   _____          _____
  |     |        |     |
0 |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |_____|          Note that there is only one File Table in
  |     |        |     |          the system.  This table records all open
1 |     |        |     |          files, system wide.
  |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |          In contrast, there is a User File Descriptor
2 |     |     -->|     |          Table for each user logged into the system.
  |_____|    /   |_____|          This table records the files that each user
  |     |   /    |     |          has opened.  A user's table cannot be
3 |  o--|---     |     |          accessed by any other user.
  |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |
4 |  o--|------->|     |
  |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |
5 |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |_____|
                 |     |
User File        |     |
Descriptor       |_____|
Table (user #2)  |     |
   _____         |     |
  |     |        |_____|
0 |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |
  |     |        |_____|
1 |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |
  |     |        |_____|
2 |     |        |     |
  |_____|    --->|     |
  |     |   /    |_____|
3 |  o--|---     |     |
  |_____|        |     |
  |     |        |_____|
4 |     |        |     |
  |_____|    --->|     |  <--- In the example below, we assume that this is
  |     |   /    |_____|       the File Table entry for the file "my_file".
5 |  o--|---     |     |
  |_____|        |     |

          Returning to our discussion of the "file descriptor" concept,
          consider the illustration above.  Let's suppose that we are the
          user using the second User File Descriptor Table.  If that user
          runs a program which opens a file, it will issue a statement
          such as:


          As stated earlier, the operating system will open the file and
          record this fact in the File Table.  This is illustrated above.
          The open(S) system call will return a file descriptor.  In our
          example above, the open(S) system call returned a file descriptor 
          of 5.

          Now when the user's program wants to read from the file, it
          passes the file descriptor as an argument to the read(S) system


          The statement above would read in the file pointed to by file
          descriptor number 5.  The amount of data read would be limited
          to "size".  It would place the data read into "buffer" and would
          set the variable "count" equal to the number of bytes successfully 

          The write(S) system call works in a similar fashion.

          The notion of a file, however, is only provided as a convenience
          to the user.  UNIX implements a layer under the notion of a file.
           This mechanism is called the inode.  Simply put, an inode is a 
           data structure that contains (amongst other things) the size of 
           a file, its permissions, and pointers to the data blocks on the 
           disk.  However, the name of the file is not contained in the inode.

          Each time a file is opened, the system locates the file in the
          directory tree, finds the inode associated with that file, and
          opens the data blocks that are listed in the inode.  So a more
          complete version of the diagram above follows:

User File
Descriptor        File           Inode
Table (user #1)   Table          Table
   _____          _____          _____
  |     |        |     |        |     |
0 |     |        |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |        |     |
1 |     |        |     |     -->|     |
  |_____|        |_____|    /   |_____|
  |     |        |     |   /    |     |
2 |     |     -->|  o--|---     |     |
  |_____|    /   |_____|        |_____|
  |     |   /    |     |        |     |
3 |  o--|---     |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |        |     |
4 |  o--|------->|  o--|------->|     |
  |_____|        |_____|        |_____|
  |     |        |     |        |     |
5 |     |        |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |_____|        |_____|
                 |     |        |     |
User File        |     |        |     |
Descriptor       |_____|        |_____|
Table (user #2)  |     |        |     |
   _____         |     |        |     |
  |     |        |_____|        |_____|
0 |     |        |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |        |     |
  |     |        |_____|        |_____|
1 |     |        |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |        |     |
  |     |        |_____|        |_____|
2 |     |        |     |        |     |
  |_____|    --->|  o--|------->|     |
  |     |   /    |_____|        |_____|
3 |  o--|---     |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |     -->|     |  <-- In our example, this Inode Table
  |     |        |_____|    /   |_____|      entry would contain the inode
4 |     |        |     |   /    |     |      information for the file "my_file".
  |_____|    --->|  o--|---     |     |
  |     |   /    |_____|        |_____|
5 |  o--|---     |     |        |     |
  |_____|        |     |        |     |
                 |_____|        |_____|

          We are now able to give an accurate explanation of how the kernel 
          does I/O to hardware via device drivers.  One of the powerful 
          aspects of the design of UNIX is that it treats just about
          everything as a file.  This is true of device drivers.

          When the kernel receives a request to do an open() on a file,
          the file is opened and entries are put in the User File Descriptor 
          Table, the File Table and the Inode Table as described above.  
          If, when reading the file's inode, we find that this is a device 
          file, then the kernel calls xxopen().  The kernel knows which 
          xxopen() to call by looking in the inode (the major and minor 
          numbers are recorded in the inodes of device files).

          In addition, the kernel indicates in the File Table that the
          file which has been opened is a device file.  At the same time,
          it records the major and minor number in the File Table.  All
          subsequent references to that file will flag the kernel that
          this is a device file.  If the user tries to do a read(), then
          the kernel will call xxread().  If the user tries to do a
          write(), then the kernel will call xxwrite().  The same is true
          of close() and ioctl().

          We now return to the notion of xxioctl().  Not all I/O that occurs 
          to a piece of hardware falls under the categories of open, close, 
          read and write.  For instance, one operation that a device driver 
          should provide for a tape drive is the rewind operation.  
          xxioctl()'s are device dependent I/O commands.  "ioctl" stands 
          for I/O control.

          Understand that each device driver provides whatever ioctl()'s
          it chooses.  For example, the tape driver provides a rewind
          ioctl, whereas the hard disk driver does not, which makes sense
          since you can't rewind a hard disk drive.

          We now turn to the notion of a minor number.  A minor number is
          simply a piece of data that is passed to the driver indicated by
          the major number.  Each device driver is free to interpret a
          given minor number any way it wants.  For instance, the tape
          driver interprets certain minor numbers to mean "don't rewind
          the tape when you're done."  On the other hand, minor numbers 
           to the hard disk driver specify which physical disk, which fdisk 
           partition, and which divvy division to access.

          For a detailed explanation of hard drive minor numbers, see the
          article in this database titled "Explanation of the hard drive
          minor number scheme." You are strongly encouraged to read this
          article as it will increase your understanding of major and
          minor numbers.

          The last issue covered in this article is how to tell, given a 
          major number, what device driver is associated with that major 
          number.  The answer lies in the file /etc/conf/cf.d/mdevice which 
          is documented under mdevice(F).  The mdevice file looks something 
          like this:

      cn      pIocrwi iHrcst  cn     0      0      1      1      -1
      hd      hoc     irobCcGk       hd     1      1      1       1      -1
      fd      Iocrwih iHODbrcC       fl     2      2      1       2       2
      sy      orwi    icor    sy     0      3      1      1      -1
      mm      rw      irsco   mm     0      4      1      1      -1
      sio     Iocrwip iHctk   sio    0      5      1      100    -1

          Each line of the mdevice file is a description of a device
          driver.  And each of these lines has nine fields.  Note that we
          say "fields" and not "columns".  Fields are separated by white
          space (i.e., spaces or tabs) and do not necessarily line up in
          nice columns.  If you look at the lines for "hd" and "fd",
          you'll see that the third field in each is so long that the
          columns get out of alignment.

          The fifth field is the major number for the block interface of
          the device driver.  The sixth field is the major number for the
          character interface of the device driver.

          As an example, suppose that we wanted to know what device driver
          the device /dev/rct0 uses.  First we would need to know what the
          major number is for /dev/rct0:

              # l /dev/rct0
              crw-rw-rw-   1 root     other     10,  0 Dec 04 1991 /dev/rct0

          From the output of the l(C) command, we see that the major
          number for /dev/rct0 is 10.  We also see that /dev/rct0 is a
          character device.  Knowing this, look in the sixth field of
          the mdevice file for the line which says the character major
          number is 10.  We find the following line:

      ct      Iocrwi  iHcsk   ct      0       10      1       1       1

          So we find that the driver name is "ct" which stands for 
          "cartridge tape".

          It is recommended that you read the mdevice(F) manual page.
          It describes the format of the mdevice file.  Armed with the
          knowledge that you've gained from this article, you should be
          able to understand most aspects of this file.

          mdevice(F), chmod(C), l(C), open(S), close(S), read(S),
          write(S), hd(HW), tape(HW), fd(HW), serial(HW)

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